“The Senate In Balance” is a ground-breaking 22-program television series which provides citizens with a comprehensive insider’s view of what may be the #1 U.S. Senate contest. The series seeks to begin the transformation of politics by being countering the negative tactics and advertising used in politics today. Its goal is to promote civil discourse by using “positive television to fight negative television.”
The race pits former three-term Republican Congressman Bob Schaffer (left) against five-term Democratic Congressman Mark Udall (right) in a contest which could determine control of the Senate. No two federal candidates have participated in such an extensive series in the history of the nation. In a state where registered Republicans outnumbered Democrats by over 120,000, until recently, every poll had shown the race was a statistical dead heat. Most political experts expect the final result to be very close.
In addition to the two candidates, Colorado’s two current U.S. Senators, Wayne Allard (R) and Ken Salazar (D) have agreed to participate in this history-making series as have former U.S. Senators Bill Armstrong (R), Hank Brown (R), Ben Campbell (R), Gary Hart (D), and Timothy Wirth (D). The two third party candidates who have qualified for the statewide ballot also have agreed to participate in the series: Doug Campbell (American Constitution Party) and Bob Kinsey (Green Party). Each candidate will discuss his campaign, his goals, his positions on issues, and his opponent while the current and past Senators will discuss the realities of the Senate and the needs of the country.
Both Schaffer and Udall respect each other and served together in the Congress. They have appeared numerous times previously with the host of the program, Aaron Harber, on “The Aaron Harber Show TM” and have agreed to his selection as the facilitator of their conversations. A sample of possible issues to be discussed may include selections from the following list:
- How will the end of the Iraq War and peace in the Mid-East be achieved?
- What should the role of the United States be as the world’s greatest superpower?
- How can America address the threats of terrorism today?
- What are realistic answers to the challenges of Illegal Immigration?
- What policies are needed to meet U.S. energy needs and independence?
- How should Climate Change issues and impacts be addressed?
- How can we make our educational systems more successful & globally competitive?
- What needs to be done in the arena of national health care?
- What should the United States do to address global health care needs?
- How does a truly enlightened society meet the needs of the elderly and infirm?
- What can be done for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
- What should be done about the exploding National Debt?
- How can the U.S. reconcile +$55 trillion in unfunded obligations for various benefits?
- Should leaders ask more of Americans and how can they do this and still get elected?
- What is the best way to reduce the pervasive role of Government in our daily lives?
- How does the Senate really work and how much can one Senator truly accomplish?
“The Senate In Balance” differs from all other programs because it offers viewers the opportunity to truly make in-depth assessments of the candidates via substantive discussions. This is not being done in any other U.S. Senate or U.S. House race in 2008 and never has been done on television in the U.S.
The program already is available to 2 million households and +4 million people. It first will be featured exclusively on COMCAST Entertainment Television statewide and will be offered 24/7 on a complimentary (i.e., no charge) basis via COMCAST’s Video On Demand service through the November 4th General Election.
The programs also will be broadcast weekly on commercial station KPXC-TV (formerly PAX Television, part of 60-station national ION Media Networks) and in Prime Time on Denver Open Media (DOM --- formerly DCTV). Select programs from the series will be broadcast statewide by KBDI-TV Channel 12 (Colorado Public Television) in the Prime Time broadcast slot for “The Aaron Harber Show.”
Beginning October 15th, the programs also will be available 24/7 on the Web to viewers across the nation from one or more of the following: (1) CBS4 (KCNC-TV --- Channel 4, at www.CBS4Denver.com), (2) the Rocky Mountain News (at www.RockyMountainNews.com), (3) the Denver Post (at www.DenverPost.com), (4) KBDI-TV Channel 12 (Colorado Public Television at www.KBDI.org), and (5) USA Talk Network, Inc. (at www.SenateCO.com), as well as on Websites of other print publication and electronic broadcast entities.
A sampling of Aaron’s recent guests include FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, CBS Anchor Bob Schieffer, U.S. Senator & 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, “Democracy Now” television and radio host Amy Goodman, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, former presidential candidate & former Governor Tommy Thompson, PBS “NewsHour” Anchor Jim Lehrer, DNC Chairman & former presidential candidate Howard Dean, former CIA Director James Woolsey, ABC’s Cokie Roberts, U.N. Foundation President & former U.S. Senator Tim Wirth, U.S. Senator Wayne Allard, Israeli Ambassador Sallai Meridor, Iraq Study Group Co-Chair & former Congressman Lee Hamilton, former U.S. Secretary of Energy & Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena, Washington Post executive Ben Bradlee, Congressman & presidential candidate Tom Tancredo, activist Ralph Nader, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, university president and former U.S. Senator Hank Brown, U.S. Senator Ken Salazar, former U.. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Aspen Institute CEO, former CNN Chairman & former Time Magazine Chairman Walter Isaacson, SHELL OIL (U.S.A.) President John Hofmeister, Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, former Congressman & Vice President nominee Jack Kemp, U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, and Jordan’s Queen Noor. The show is recognized for exclusive interviews with principals such as President Bill Clinton, General and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and General David Petraeus (interviewed by Aaron on-site by special invitation in Baghdad, Iraq and at the Pentagon).
Aaron was graduated from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs (concentrating in Economics) and received his graduate degree from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (concentrating in Ethics). He has broadcast from both Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and is known for his fairness and for being nonpartisan on the air.
Aaron gained national acclaim when he was sued frivolously for $20 million by Rush Limbaugh for using the word "Rush" in the title of his national radio program ("After the Rush"). With support from both sides of the aisle, Aaron won the federal case. Thanks to the publicity from the case, Aaron moved in 1998 from the Talk America Radio Network (where he was heard on 51 radio stations) solely into television. “The Aaron Harber Show” debuted in 2002 across the State of Colorado.
The talk industry's leading publication -- "TALKERS MAGAZINE" -- selected Aaron out of more than 5,000 hosts as one of America's "100 Most Important Talk Show Hosts" in 1997 (with others such as Don Imus, G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, Howard Stern, and Bruce Williams). Visit the TV show’s Website -- www.HarberTV.com -- or e-mail Producer@HarberTV.com for more information.
(C) 2008 by USA Talk Network, Inc. All rights reserved. “USA Talk Network,” “The Senate In Balance,” “Blind Justice,” and “The Aaron Harber Show ” are the registered trademarks and/or the proprietary products, tradenames, and/or properties of USA Talk Network, Inc. and/or Aaron Harber, P.O. Box 17143, Boulder, CO 80308-0143; e-mail: Producer@HarberTV.com; phone: 303-666-6161. [10-01-08]